Review from somebody who bought all 10 audios: “These are by far one of the best guided meditations you will find. Christine has a perfect, calming and soothing voice. The music itself is so beautiful and the places these guided meditations take you are incredible. These guided meditations will help you to visit peaceful places and you come back refreshed. Moreover, Meditating with these audios will enable you to gain so much knowledge about yourself, your environment, and find solutions while exploring your calmer centre. I highly recommend that you buy all 10 audios, you will not regret it”. Signed E.B.
Guided Audio Journeys for Spiritual Awareness
I have found that weaving spiritual principles into guided journeys enables people to absorb them at a much deeper level. All the following recordings are available as MP3 downloads
A very limited number of recordings are available in CD format, please enquire @
Each audio recording can be ordered individually or why not get the entire collection of 10 recordings as listed below for just £47.00

Please note: These guided journeys are designed for deep relaxation so should not be played whilst driving or in any situation where you need to remain alert.
The following 3 recordings can help with financial challenges and anxiety around money.
Opening Avenues of Supply. Trusting Life to Provide
This journey takes us to the Ocean of Abundance and shows us that our supply does not come from just one place. The Source of Supply is the Universal Presence within us which can provide for us in a multitude of ways. During this guided journey we learn how to be open to all the channels of receiving. It features 4 beautiful musical compositions from talented musician Kevin Macleod. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt
Releasing the Barriers to Prosperity
This journey takes us on a road to prosperity where we will meet several people and situations that will help us understand the various ways we block Abundance from flowing into our life. Each character we meet along the road teaches us a spiritual lesson in prosperity. This audio features a beautiful musical composition from the brilliant guitarist and musician Pete Downes. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt

Prosperity Affirmations
Listening to and repeating these Prosperity Affirmations can really help the subconscious mind to absorb the spiritual principles of prosperity. Unlike the guided journey recordings, you can listen to this particular audio anywhere. It combines metaphysical understanding with positive statements and uses the beautiful uplifting music by Pete Downes to create a powerful “feel good” energy. Words written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt

Super Special Offer! Get the full prosperity package here for just £14.95
This includes all 3 recordings
Avenues of Supply + Releasing the Barriers to Prosperity + Prosperity Affirmations

Other Recordings to Assist You on Your Spiritual Journey
Be Calm. Be Relaxed. Be Confident
At times, we can all get caught up in the worry and anxiety that life’s challenges can bring. We may doubt our ability to cope in a stressful situation and be unable to switch off. Hundreds of people swear by this recording for releasing stress, increasing self confidence and inducing better sleep patterns. Musician Pete Downes has created a deceptively simple musical composition which is cleverly designed to produce Alpha brainwave rhythms which soothe the troubled mind. Words written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt
Connecting with the Archangels and the 7 Sacred Rays
This is a powerful recording for connecting with the Angelic Kingdom. The Sacred Ray teachings go back at least as far as the 6th Century B.C. linking cosmic healing colours with a specific archangel. We will meet all 7 angels who will impart the spiritual qualities of Strength, Protection, Higher Consciousness, Creativity, Beauty, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love. It features the beautiful musical composition “Ascension” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt
Meet Your Power Animal – A Sacred Shamanic Journey
Shamanic teachings go back thousands of years. In this truly atmospheric guided journey you will learn how to link in to the Power of Nature and the sacred elements of Earth, Fire, Water and Air. You will also awaken the wisdom of your own Inner Shaman and meet with your Power Animal enabling you to receive further guidance and direction from your soul. The musical compilations include tribal drumming and 4 pieces of music by Kevin Macleod with an additional composition, “Tribal Eve” by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt
The Healing Power of Forgiveness
Forgiveness is so important to our health and well-being because holding on to past grudges and resentment eats us up inside and tends to prolong our pain. It keeps us stuck in past wounds and blocks our future good. Forgiving a person or organisation that has hurt us is not always easy and is generally something that takes time. By listening regularly to this recording with its soft dreamy, healing music by Pete Downes, we gradually begin to set our self free from the chains that have shackled us to the past. We can then move on and start fully living life again. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt
Attract the Love You Deserve
It is natural for us to want to feel loved and appreciated and In order to attract healthy, loving relationships, we first need to have a loving relationship with our self. One of the major spiritual Laws of Love is that if we seek it from outside our self. without first finding it within our self, we will never feel secure. By understanding that the Source of Love is actually within us, we stop desperately searching for it and begin to let it flow out from us. We then find amazingly, that loving relationships of all kinds flow to us naturally and effortlessly. The evocative music by Pete Downes works perfectly with this guided Tibetan journey. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Click below to listen to an excerpt

Two Guided Journeys that Take You Through the Egyptian Temple of Wisdom
Allow yourself to be taken back in time to Ancient Egypt where you will enter a beautiful temple and be taught many things. Both recording take you through the 7 Sacred Chambers of Initiation, however, the beginning and ending of each guided journey is different. There are 7 original innovative pieces of music especially composed by musician Pete Downes. Script written and spoken by Christine King
Let Your Intuition Solve Your Problems
Take a journey through the Egyptian Temple of Wisdom and meet with your Higher Guidance – that intuitive aspect of us that contains all knowledge. We often struggle with trying to find solutions to our problems through the rational mind but it is the Greater Mind that holds the answers. When we surrender a problem to the Higher Presence within us, it can often come up with inspirational guidance that we may never have previously considered.
Click below to listen to an excerpt

Resolving Conflicts in Relationships
Relationships can be both a loving joyous playground and at times, a tough University of Learning when we go through difficulties and challenges. Whether the conflict is with those closest to us such as partners, friends, family and children or with bosses and colleagues at work., it can bring up all sorts of painful reactions within us. At the deepest level of the soul, everyone we meet is our teacher and our mirror and every conflict is giving us a chance to heal something within our self. As we make our journey through the Temple of Wisdom we learn how to come to a place of peace and reconciliation.
Click below to listen to an excerpt
Special Offer: Order Both Temple of Wisdom Audio Downloads for £11.95
Why not get the entire collection of 10 audios for just £47.00 (Value £62.50)
By purchasing the entire collection, you will have access to a powerful spiritual toolkit which if used regularly, not only can enhance your life on a practical level but also provide you with a variety of ways to access the Higher Guidance within. It then becomes the equivalent of a multi-faceted diamond that reflects different aspects of your Soul’s Journey on the path to Awareness.
Order all 10 recordings £47.00

For details of all musicians and artists featured in the above recordings and illustrations, please go to the CONTACT PAGE